Current list of all known FM only radios

Quick jump to manufacturers 
A        Accurate Instruments, Admiral, Advent, AFCO, Airadio, Airline, Approved Electronic
A        Aristar, Arvin, AGA, ASA, Audar, AuditronAutomatic, Autovox
B        Bang & Olufsen, Belgorod, Best Join, Blonder-Tongue, Bose, Braun, Brooks, Browning, Bush
C       Calrad, Casio, Champion, Citizen, Claricon, Clear, Concert Networks, Conserton,  
-E    DeWald, Dux, Dynatron, Edwards, Ekco, Ekeradio, Electrohome, Elit, Emerson, Emud
F        Fada, Fisher, Florac, F.M. Specialties
G        GEC, General Electric, Gonset, Granco, Grundig, Guild Radio Corp of America
H        Hacker, Hallicrafters, Hastings, Harvey Radio Labs, Heathkit, Hitachi, HMV, Howard
I-L      Kaiser, KLH, Kolster Brandes, Lab-Volt, Lafayette, Lincoln, L&K Sales, Luxor,  
M       Maplin, Marconi, Masterwork, Meck, Medallion, Meissner, Micro-Electronics, Minerva
M       Monarch, Motorola, Mura, Murphy,  
NO     National Radio, NordmendeOlson Electronics
PQ      Panasonic Penncrest, Philco, Philips, Physician's Network, Promotional Concepts, Pilot
R         Radio Shack, Radiomatic, Radionette, Regency, Ramsey, RCA, Regency, REL,  
S         Salora, Sansei, Sanyo, Sarkes Tarzian, Scott, Setchell-Carlson, Siemens, Silvertone,
S         Sinclair, Sonic-Aire, Sony, Standard, Stromberg Carlson, Sylvania,  
TU     Telefunken, Transvision, Truetone, Ultra, Unitra-Eltra, Universal Publicizers, Unknowns
V        Vision Research,Voxson,
W       Wards, Watson, Westinghouse, WindsorWingfield,
   Zenith, Zephyr 

Key to list
Click on model number to see photograph of set
Model [Year] {SAM's Photofacts number, Trader Service Sheet number, or MSM} Comments Tube Complement 
(p) = permeability tuning (not systematically listed)
MSM=Motorola Service Manual

Accurate Instruments
check3.gif (247 bytes)Radiotelemetry Receiver [1966] Solid state receiver intended for radio telemetry operation.

check3.gif (247 bytes)Y3061 "Walton"  [1962] matches Y3021 AM set.  HCC85(=17EW8),2x12AU6,19T8,50EH5,selenium rect.
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Y3067 "Walton"  [1962]
check3.gif (247 bytes)Y3083A "Stanton"  [1962] relabeled Sarkes Tarzian 723-504  19CL8A,19EA8,12BN6,35EH5,35W4
check3.gif (247 bytes)Y3399 "Fanfare"  [1962]  HCC85(=17EW8),2x12BA6,14JG8,35W4,35C5

check3.gif (247 bytes)400  [1974]  [schematic] hi-fi transistor table with custom separate speaker.  Close-up.
check3.gif (247 bytes)410m [1979?] modernized version of 400. Mono version.  Uses matching 402 speaker.
check3.gif (247 bytes)420s  [1979?] modernized version of 400. Stereo version. Uses a pair of matching 402 speakers.  Close-up

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)FMT62 [197?] Car FM converter

check3.gif (247 bytes)3100 "Cabinette FM"  [1948] {37-1} Wood table radio  2x12BA6,12BE6,2x6BJ6,12AL5,6AQ6,50B5

Airline (Montgomery Ward)
check3.gif (247 bytes)GSZ1677A   [1963?]  relabeled Sarkes Tarzian 

Approved Electronic Instrument Corp
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)FM Tuner [1949] {41-2} wood tuner with magic eye tube.  6AG5,6J6,3x6SH7,6AL5,6U5,7Y4 

Aristar (Italian)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Mini Detachable Car Radio  This is a clone of the Voxson Tanga.  Manual [1] [2]  Packed in box [1]

check3.gif (247 bytes)30R12   [1961] {535-3} Persimmon (pink) version   2x12BA6,12DT8,14GT8,35C5,35W4
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)30R18   [1961] {535-3} Sandstone version of 30R12
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)30R19   [1961] {638-5} Charcoal version of 30R12

AGA  (Swedish manufacturer, earlier name was AGA-Baltic)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)3352 "Primär" [1964]  transistor table radio  12 transistors,5 diodes,power rectifier
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)3353 "Primär Variant" [1964]  transistor table radio with remote control  12 transistors,5 diodes,power rectifier
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)3471 "Melogram" [1964] console transistor radio with record player  13 transistors,5 diodes,power rectifier
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)3551 "Companion" [1966] transistor table radio with leather case (3 color styles: brown, white, and black)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)3552 "Stabil" (early version) [1964] transistor 
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)3552 "Stabil" (late version) [1966] transistor 

Asa Radio Oy (Finnish manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)CAR-ULA [1965?] transistorized car radio  

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)FMC-12 "Telvar" [1947]  Vinyl covered wood tuner. Uses Fremodyne Superregenerative detector.  14F8,35W4

Auditron (manufactured by Sarkes Tarzian)
check3.gif (247 bytes)SF101 "Uni-Channel FM Receiver" [1964]   Single frequency promotional radio. Looks similar to Sarkes Tarzian 723-517.  "SF101" is for FM station at 101.1 MHz.

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)unknown [195?] Vacuum tube car FM converter
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)MXR-8404 [1980?] {Service guide 57-MXR-8404} Under dash stereo car radio  21 transistors

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Magic Drum [1969] cylindrical transistor radio

Bang & Olufsen (Danish manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Beolit 400  [1971]  transistor (designed by Jakob Jensen)
check3.gif (247 bytes)Beolit 500  [1966]  transistor, 5 push-buttons.  Could also be used as an intercom.
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Beolit 505  [197?]  transistor portable. Close-up of dial scale.

Best Join (Taiwan toy manufacturer)
check3.gif (247 bytes)FM Radio Power Box [1985]  Transformer FM radio 

A Russian FM receiver. IMG Original site: (In Russian) (Google Translate to English)

check3.gif (247 bytes)R20  [1960] {503-6} plastic with rear-pointing speaker. (two color schemes: brown & beige, gray & white)  Matches R98b AM/FM set.  19T8,2x12BA6,12AT7,12AU6,50C5,35W4 
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)T89 [1960?]  plastic. Tuner version of R20.

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)unknown [19??] hi-fi transistor table radio. Appears to be a Lafayette Criterion IV 

Braun (German manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)SK1 [????] Table radio

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)unknown  [1948?] wood tuner.

Browning (Brownings Laboratory, Inc.)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)RV10 [1955?]  Tuner in box with carrying handle.
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)unknown [1955?]  Receiver in box with speaker.

Bush (British manufacturer)
check3.gif (247 bytes)VHF 90A  [1958]   bakelite, UCC85,3xUF89,UABC80,UL84

Calrad (made in Japan)
check3.gif (247 bytes)unknown  [195?]  {?} green plastic. Same as Olson Electronics radio. 17EW8,2x12BA6,12AV6,12AL5,50C5

check3.gif (247 bytes)RD10 [198?] credit card size and shape, monophonic.
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)RD100 [198?] credit card size and shape, stereo. Rechargable.

Champion (made in USA for British market)
check3.gif (247 bytes)unknown [196?] plastic vacuum tube set

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)TR20 [year?] credit card size and shape, monophonic.

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes) ?  [196?]  Relabeled Sansei Electronics Industry Co. "Hi-Mood

Clear (Korean manufacturer)
check3.gif (247 bytes)SR303 [199?] "walkman style" radio with rechargable battery pack. [radio + battery pack] [battery pack] 

Concert Networks
check3.gif (247 bytes)Hastings FM Jr. [1958]  {schematic} portable vacuum tube FM radio. More photos [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]  CK6088,CK6286 

Conserton (Swedish manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)T5125 "Pepito" [1964] transistor portable

check3.gif (247 bytes)B612 (wood) [1948] {42-9} FM receiving converter (RF output on AM band)  12AT7,2x12BA6,12AL5,12SA7,35W4 
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)B612 (Catalin) [1948] {42-9} FM receiving converter (RF output on AM band)  Matches A502: Plastic  Catalin 12AT7,2x12BA6,12AL5,12SA7,35W4 
check3.gif (247 bytes)P705  [1960] {516-10} miniature tube table radio 12AT7,2x12BA6,12AU6,19T8,50C5,silicon rectifier

Dux (Swedish manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)T1260 "Trippel" [1964] transistor portable
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)T1262 "Piazza" [1965] transistor portable
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)T1270 "Triplex" [1965] transistor portable
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)DX6260"Triplex" [1967] transistor portable
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)DX6261 "Triplex" [1967] transistor portable
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)DX4170 "Duxie" [1967] transistor table
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)DX4270 "Duxett" [1968] transistor table

Dynatron (British manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)RV12 "Ether Minstrel" {1958} Large tombstone. FM2.LV VHF Tuner (7 tubes) and LF12 amp (4 tubes, 10W) packaged in a 3 foot tall cabinet.

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Fidelotuner type 1 [1948]
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Fidelotuner type 2 [1948]

Ekco (British manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)A274 [1955]  wood table radio. 87.5-100 Mc 7 tubes 
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)A277 [195?] wood table radio 
check3.gif (247 bytes)U354 [1960]  plastic table radio with tuning indicator.  UCC85,2xUF80,UABC80,UL84,UY85,DM70 

Ekeradio Electronic Developments
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)F-M Pocket Radio [1955] coat pocket radio

Elit (Italian manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)RMF35A [1964] Tube radio used as network relay receiver, 87-108 Mc  8xEF800,EF805S,E81CC,EF804S,E88CC,E182CC

Electrohome (was Canadian manufacturer, but made in China)
check3.gif (247 bytes)EH8250 [2000?] Cylindrical plastic radio. AC powered. 

check3.gif (247 bytes)602A  [1949] {56-10} plastic table radio with unique styling. matches 636 AM set 2x12BA6,12BA7,12S8GT,35B5,35W4
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)602C  [1950]  {?} plastic table radio with unique styling. C model has RF amp, matches 636 AM set 2x6BJ6,12BA6,12BA7,12S8GT,35B5,35W4
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)616B [1951?] wood table radio matches 616 AM set. 
check3.gif (247 bytes)920B  [1960] {499-8}  matches 915 AM set  12DT8,2x12BA6,19T8,50C5,selenium rectifier 
check3.gif (247 bytes)925B  [1960] {499-8}  matches 924 AM set   12DT8,2x12BA6,19T8,50C5,selenium rectifier
check3.gif (247 bytes)G1707 [1960?]  plastic. "twin speakers" 12AT7(or 12DT8),2x12BA6,12AV6,50C5,selenium rectifier 

Emud (West German manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)FIPS 118U [1956] plastic table radio UCC85,2xUF89,UF89,UAA91,UCL82,UY41 

check3.gif (247 bytes)795   [1948] {36-7} plastic tuner, matches model 605 3x6BA6,6BE6,6AL5

check3.gif (247 bytes)100 "Fisher 100 Microreceiver" [1970?] {429-5}   hi-fi transistor table radio with 5 tuning pushbuttons.  Can use a matching Model S-30 extension speaker.  The Model 160 FM tuner also used the same pushbutton tuning.

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)FM Jr. [1955] Earlier release of Hastings FM, Jr. (See Concert Networks)

F.M. Specialties, Inc
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Fidelotuner [1949] {Riders 17-1 to 4,18-3} wood tuner 6J6,3x6SH7,6H6,selenium rectifier

GEC (General Electric Company, British manufacturer)
check3.gif (247 bytes)BC403 [1959?] plastic. 5 tubes
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)BC562  [1960]  transistor portable

General Electric
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)"Frequency Modulation Receiver"  [1937]  First production (non-experimental) FM receiver. More information
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)GM125 [1938]   12 tube console
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)HM80   [1939]  early version: 39-44 Mc; later version: 44-50 Mc  8 tubes
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)HM85   [1939]  early version: 39-44 Mc; later version: 44-50 Mc  8 tubes, console version of HM80
check3.gif (247 bytes)JFM90 [1940] 9 tube 42-44 Mc. 2x6AB7,2x6SK7,7A4,2x6SJ7,6H6,5Y3G 
check3.gif (247 bytes)T180   [196?]  12AU6,12BA6,35W4,35C5,14GT8,19EZ8  
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)T185A [1965?] Blue color    Matches T165A AM set.  35C5,25DK4,19HV8,12BA6,19EZ8
check3.gif (247 bytes)T186A [1965?] Coca color  Matches T165A AM set.  35C5,25DK4,19HV8,12BA6,19EZ8 
check3.gif (247 bytes)XFM1  [1944] {19-2} large wood tuner   6AG5,2x6AK5,6SG7,6SV7,6SH7,6AQ7,5Y3 

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)3311  [1959]  First commercially available car FM converter (translator).  (However, see RCA experimental radios) See Radio-Electronics Magazine, August, 1959, p55 for schematic.   2x12EC8,2x12EZ6,12AD6,12AL5,varactor    
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)3293 [1959] {AR-9} car FM tuner (converter).   3x12EK6,2x12EC8,12AL5,12AD6

check3.gif (247 bytes)ARC-60 [1961] Under dash car radio converter.  6GM8,6FD6,12EK6,12BL6,12AD6  
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)501 [1959]
check3.gif (247 bytes)601 [1960] {462-8}  12DT8,2x12BA6,19T8,50C5,selenium rectifier
check3.gif (247 bytes)601U [1963] {462-8} Matches A650 AM set and 701U AM/FM   12DT8,2x12BA6,14GT8,50C5,selenium rectifier
check3.gif (247 bytes)602U [196?]  {577-6} Similar to 603, but with an AFC on-off control.   12DT8, 2x12BA6,14GT8,50C5,selenium rectifier 
check3.gif (247 bytes)603  [1962] {631-8} Matches the  SC-3 "Companion" multiplexer and 703 AM/FM   2x12BA6,12DT8,50C5,14GT8 
check3.gif (247 bytes)603B [1963] {631-8}  2x12BA6,12AT7,50C5,19T8
check3.gif (247 bytes)604  [1962] {633-12}Matches the SC-4 "Companion" multiplexer and 704 AM/FM  12DT8,35W4,35C5,12AV6,2x12BA6
check3.gif (247 bytes)605 [1960] {462-8} Clock radio.  Like 601, but with Telechron clock movement.   12DT8,2x12BA6,19T8,50C5,selenium rectifier
check3.gif (247 bytes)610  [1955] {283-6} midget Matches T-160 FM tuner and 720U AM/FM in maroon, here is a 610 in white.  3x12BA6,12AT7,19T8,50C5
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)611   [1959] {439-6} 12AT7,3x12BA6,19T8,50C5,selenium rectifier
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)620  [1956] {337-8}  black and white, Matches 701U AM/FM set   3x12BA6,12AT7,50C5,19T8
check3.gif (247 bytes)620A  [1956] {337-8}  green and white. Matches 730U AM/FM set  3x12BA6,12AT7,50C5,19T8
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)620V  [1956] {337-8}  black and pink
check3.gif (247 bytes)SC-3 "Companion" [1963] {638-8} stereo multiplexer for 603
check3.gif (247 bytes)SC-4 "Companion" [1963] {638-8} stereo multiplexer for 6042x12BA6,12AV6,50C5,35W4 
check3.gif (247 bytes)T-160 [1955] {309-8}  Tuner. In same cabinet as model 610.
check3.gif (247 bytes)T-161 [1959] {429-6} Tuner. In same cabinet as model 6113x6BA6,12AT7,6AB4,6AL5
check3.gif (247 bytes)T-300 [1960] {531-6}Tuner. Available in gray or black.  2x12BA6,12DT8,selenium rectifier 

Grundig (German manufacturer)
check3.gif (247 bytes)65 [1960?]   tube clock radio
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)460 [1990?] "Sonoclock"  digital clock radio
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)C201 [197?] FM radio/cassette player

Guild Radio Corp of America  (Jointly produced by RCA and Hazeltine)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)"Country Bell Telephone Radio"  [1956]  novelty telephone radio. vacuum tube. Matches Model 556 AM "Country Bell" set.

Hacker (British manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)RV14  "Mayflower" [1961] wood tube radio
check3.gif (247 bytes)RV20  "Mayflower II"  [1962]  wood tube radio
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)RG16  "Serenade" [1965]  wood with built-in record player ("radiogram")
check3.gif (247 bytes)RP37  "Herald"  [1969]   transistor portable
check3.gif (247 bytes)RP71  "Harrier" [1972]  transistor portable, matches AM "Autocrat"
check3.gif (247 bytes)RP74  "Black Knight"  [1974]  transistor portable
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)RP76MB  "Silver Knight"  [1975]  transistor portable. Looks like Black Knight. Built-in stereo decoder.

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)CN1 [1945] {15-1} internal mounting 42 Mc to 88 Mc FM converter  7N7 [schematic]
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)CN3 [1945] tunable 42 Mc to 88 Mc FM converter 3 tube
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)CN5 [1946] tunable 42 Mc to 88 Mc FM converter 5 tube

Harvey Radio Labs
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Type 193R, Model 47  commercial quality rack mount FM receiver

    See Concert Networks

check3.gif (247 bytes)GR21  [1962] table radio with eye tube. Matches GRA21-1 multiplexer  6AQ5,3x6AU6,6GY8,6BN8,6ME6(eye tube) 
check3.gif (247 bytes)GRA21-1  [1963] [schematic] matching multiplexer unit for GR21  Advertisement  3x12AU7,6AQ5,silicon rect.
check3.gif (247 bytes)GR11  [1962]  white table radio. Matches GR10 AM set. See Advertisement17C9,2X12BA6,35HB8,35W4.
check3.gif (247 bytes)GR41  [1962]  transistor under-dash automobile radio. Has separate power amplifier unit.
check3.gif (247 bytes)GR61  [1962]  transistor portable looks a bit like XR-2P (AM) radio. Advertisement.
check3.gif (247 bytes)GR36   [1967]  stereo transistor table radio
check3.gif (247 bytes)CR1000a [1973]  stereo under-dash automobile radio. Another photo.
check3.gif (247 bytes)GRB420 "Tiger" [1972] portable. Very simple educational kit. 90% of components in pre-built modules. Matches GRB220 (AM) radio. Advertisement. More photos [1] [2] [3]
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)FM Tuner [1949] FM radio tuner with optional wood cabinet. Pre-dates model FM-2. Fremodyne converter.  14F8,12A6 

His Masters Voice (HMV) (British manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)2176   [1972]  transistor table model
check3.gif (247 bytes)1375  [1960?] red painted bakelite table radio   UCC85,UF89,UF80,UABC80,UL84,UY85 

Hitachi (Japanese manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)KH-915  [1963] {TSM-26}  9 transistor portable

check3.gif (247 bytes)482 [1948] {48-12} FM tuner  3x6BA6,12AT7,6AL5,6J5,6X5GT 
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)482A [1948] {48-12} FM tuner  3x6BA6,6J6,6AL5,6J5,6X5GT 

Kaiser (West German manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)UKW Special W-1132  [1954] hi-fi tube table radio Dark brown bakelite version, 5 tubes, selenium rectifier
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)UKW Special W-1132  [1955] hi-fi tube table radio wood version, 5 tubes, selenium rectifier. Close-up of dial.
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)UKW Special W-1932  [1960] hi-fi tube table radio. Dark brown bakelite.  ECC85, EF89, EF89, EABC80, EL84 

check3.gif (247 bytes)8  [1960] {1053-SED} [schematic] [chassis layout] [instruction manual]  hi-fi table radio, speaker is separate part of radio.   2x6BM8,3x6AU6A,6U8,6BS8
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)18 [1970?] Solid state tuner for Model 16 amplifier.
check3.gif (247 bytes)13  [1963] matching transistorized stereo multiplexer for Model 8.  Has speaker that cosmetically matches the Model 8 speaker.
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)20 [196?] FM radio/record player with separate speakers.
check3.gif (247 bytes)21  [1967]   hi-fi transistor table radio. Can use the model M703 extension speaker.
check3.gif (247 bytes)21/II  [1970?] {1357-SED} hi-fi transistor table radio. There is also an AM/FM version of the Model 21/II and a clock radio AM/FM version, the model 21/IIC.  There is a matching extension speaker for the 21/II.
check3.gif (247 bytes)TR82  [1985?]  stereo solid state clock radio with digital display.
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)100 [1985?] solid state clock radio with digital display. 

Kolster Brandes (KB)  (British manufacturer)
check3.gif (247 bytes)FB10FM "Toaster"   [year?] Matches FB10 "Toaster" AM/MW set.  12AT7,6BJ6,EABC80,EL84(6AM6),EZ80
check3.gif (247 bytes)PB10FM "Minuet"  [1959] Matches OB10 (AM) and QB20 (AM/FM) radio sets

L & K Sales
check3.gif (247 bytes)SC-1 [1987] solid state single frequency promotional table radio.

check3.gif (247 bytes)Experiment Board #7 [198?]  Solid state stereo radio for training

check3.gif (247 bytes)716 (?) [1943?] pre-war table radio 25Z6,6SA7,2x6SK7,6B8,2x25L6GT
check3.gif (247 bytes)Criterion IV [197?] hi-fi transistor table radio
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)unknown [196?]  Relabeled Sansei Electronics Industry Co. "Hi-Mood" (see also Wingfield 61)

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)7 Tube Super Heterodyne [197?]  

Loewe Opta (German manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Tempo [197?]  

Luxor (Swedish manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Luxorita 3022-1 [1972] portable radio. Orange color. Tuning knob has 3 "preset" positions.
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Malmo [1967] stereo table radio-- I'm looking for additional information
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Westmatic B4961 [1969?] portable radio made by Oy Lohjan Kalkkitehdas Ab in Finland. Black leatherette with metal grill. Tuning knob has 3 "preset" positions

Maplin (British manufacturer)
check3.gif (247 bytes)TDA7000 MkII [1992] kit portable radio based on the Philips TDA7000 integrated circuit.

check3.gif (247 bytes)B523-488  [1960]  Relabeled Emerson 920b 

Masterwork (Japanese manufacturer)
check3.gif (247 bytes)M-104 [196?] 10 transistor portable

check3.gif (247 bytes)CX500 [1947] {48-13} receiving converter, early model  7F8,6H6  
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)CX500 [1948] {48-13} receiving converter, late model  14F8,35W4  
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)CX500 [1948] {48-13} receiving converter, later model  14F8,35W4,12AT6

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)30N15-01 [1961]  Relabeled Arvin 30R19, but with curved slide rule dial. Made by Arvin.
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)30N19-01 [1961]  Relabeled Arvin 30R19, but with curved slide rule dial. Made by Arvin.

check3.gif (247 bytes)8C   [1948] {37-12} post-war tuner  2x6BA6,2x6C4,2x6AG5,6AL5,6X5GT 
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)8C-22 [195?] updated version of 8C post-war tuner  2x6AU6A,2x6C4,2x6CB6A,6AL5,6X5GT
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)9-1023  [1941] pre-war console (?) 2x6AC7(1852),6SA7,2x6SK7,6H6,6AF6G,6SC7,6C5,6L6G,5U4G,VR150 
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)9-1037  [1941] pre-war table radio (?) 2x6AC7(1852),6SA7,2x6SK7,6H6,6AF6G,6SC7,6C5,6L6G,5U4G,VR150 
check3.gif (247 bytes)9-1047 [193?]  pre-war tuner

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)RD-02  [1950] one or two-tube coat pocket radio.

Minerva (Italian manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)SA286 [1952?] AC powered metal receiver, no speaker. 5 miniature tubes. 

Monarch Electronics International (Japan manufacturer)
check3.gif (247 bytes)RE-620 [year?] {714-7}  12AV6,50EH5,17EW8,2x12BA6

check3.gif (247 bytes)B1-J [1960] {527-7} jade plastic table radio  HCC85(=17EW8),2x12BA6,12AL5,12AV6,50C5,selenium rect.
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)B1-W [1960] {527-7} white plastic table radio. Matches B2-W AM/FM set  HCC85(=17EW8),2x12BA6,12AL5,12AV6,50C5,selenium rect.
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)FM62 [1958?]  under dash car FM receiving converter, tube operated
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)FM65M [1965] {AR-35,MSM 68P64994A23} under dash transistor car FM converter TI400,TI401,TI387,4x470,M54 
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)FM67M [1967] {AR-45,MSM 68P64994A65} under dash transistor car FM converter. TI400,TI401,TI387,4x4857,25B 
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)FM68M [1968] {MSM 68P64995B01} under dash IC/transistor car FM converter.  TI400,TI401,TI387,25B,4xT1B(IC)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)FM70 [1970] under dash car FM converter
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)FM70M [1970] {MSM AR5} under dash car FM converter IC/transistor.  4 transistors, 4ICs
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)FM72M [1972] {MSM AR20} under dash car FM converter IC/transistor.  6 transistors, 1IC.
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)FM82 [193?]  pre-war tuner. Calibrated in FM channel numbers.
check3.gif (247 bytes)FM900 [1960] {524-13 and AR-14} under dash hybrid car radio. Looks like FM990X. 7 tubes, 3 transistors
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)FM990X [1968] {AR-47,MSM 68P64995B05} under dash transistor car stereo receiver. 20 transistors.   Advertisement Uses optional KM56S for 6 volt cars.
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)FM991X [1968] {MSM 68P64995B07} under dash IC/transistor car stereo receiver. 16 transistors, 4 ICs.
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)FM992X [1970] {MSM AR2} under dash IC/transistor car stereo receiver.  10 transistors, 4ICs. nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)FMC62 [?] under dash solid state car converter.

Murphy  (British manufacturer)
check3.gif (247 bytes)U502   [1959]  Plastic   10L14,2x10F18,10D2,10PL12,U381 more info
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)U512  [1959]  Wood version of U502  10L14,2x10F18,10D2,10PL12,U381
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)U602  [year?]  improved U502
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)U612  [year?]  improved U602

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)hi stepper [197?] "Walkman" style radio

National Radio
check3.gif (247 bytes)NC-108T   [1948] {47-15} Table-top version (eye tube tuning indicator) 6BA6,6C4,3X6SG7,6H6,6U5/6G5,6SJ7,6V6GT,5Y3GT More information
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)NC-108R   [1948] {47-15} Rack mount version (meter tuning indicator)  6BA6,6C4,3X6SG7,6H6,6SJ7,6V6GT,5Y3GT
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)NC-R108/URR   [1948] {47-15} Military rack mount version (meter tuning indicator)  6BA6,6C4,3X6SG7,6H6,6SJ7,6V6GT,5Y3GT

Nordmende (German manufacturer)
check3.gif (247 bytes)Tasti   [1967]  transistor portable, preset pushbuttons on top for 3 stations

Olson Electronics
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)unknown [1955?] white plastic table radio. Similar to Calrad. 17EW8,2x12BA6,12AV6,12AL5,50C5

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)RF-60 [1969] headset radio, produced by Matsushita
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)RF-HD5 [198?] mini headset radio

Penncrest (J. C. Penny's house brand)
check3.gif (247 bytes)614 [1961] {535-3}  Relabeled Arvin 30R19, but with curved slide rule dial. Made by Arvin

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)910   [1962]
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)J995-124  [196?]

Philips (Dutch manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)22RN371 "Biletta" [1967] transistor car radio
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)66RL260 "Philetta" [1966]  transistor portable
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)66RL261 "Philetta" [1966]  transistor portable
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)66RB180 "Lyx Philetta" [1969] transistor table radio
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)66RB370 "Cosy" [1967]  transistor table radio
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)7768-12 [1951]  2 tube receiving converter, internal mounting for certain AM sets.  2xEF40
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)AE4320 [199?] small digital travel clock with radio
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)B2S45T "Philetta" [1964] transistor portable
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)H3S41T "Twist" [1965] portable radio + record player
check3.gif (247 bytes)L2D51T "Mariette" [1963] portable transistor radio. uses 4 D batteries.

Physician's Network
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)PRN radio receiver  SCA receiver

Pilot Radio Corporation
check3.gif (247 bytes)T601 [1947] "Pilotuner" tuner  3x6BA6,6BE6,6AL5 
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)T607 [1955] "Pilotuner" tuner

Pioneer (Japanese manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)FMR-1  [1962]  76-90MHz (Japanese FM band). Appears to be the Japanese version of the Sansei Electronics Industry Co. "Hi-Mood12DT8,2x12BA6,12AV6,50EH5  

Promotional Concepts (Pacific Rim manufacturer of promotional items)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)RA-14 [1999?]  FM radio with world time clock
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)RA-20 [1999?]  FM Radio with clock
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)RA-23 [1999?]  FM radio
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)RA-35 [1999?]  FM sports radio 

Radio Shack (= Realistic)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)90-LX697 [1959?] {AR-16} car under-dash FM converter very similar to Gonset 3239. Made by Gonset?
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)[1961] "Realistic FM" Another SEC "Hi-Mood"
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)[1961] Tele-Tone FM Radio
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Concertmaster FM  [1969] Hi-Fi table radio, solid state
check3.gif (247 bytes)"Mity-thin" [198?] credit card size and shape, monophonic.
check3.gif (247 bytes)12-174  "FM Deskube" [1972] transistor cube.  Matches 12-175 Deskube (AM), Weather Radio, AM/FM Deskube, and Timekube
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)28-115  "Science Fair FM Radio Kit" [1972]  2 transistors.  Schematic.
check3.gif (247 bytes)63-1150 "Retro Style Radio & Watch" [2003] 
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)63-5039 "watch radio" [1999] digital watch radio. uses earphones

Radiomatic (this could be an error, or a US version of Radionette)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Kurer 501   [1972]  transistor portable

Radionette (Norwegian manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Kurér 501   [1972]  transistor portable
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)hi-finette FM  [1969]  small transistor table radio. Photograph copied with permission from the Norwegian Historical Radio Society.
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Multirecorder FM [1968] portable transistor tape recorder with FM radio.  Photograph copied with permission from the  Norwegian Historical Radio Society.
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Soundrecorder FM [197?] portable transistor tape recorder with FM radio.  

check3.gif (247 bytes)FR-1 [199?]  FM radio kit.  Uses external speaker.

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)1F1 "The Consul" [1960] {RCA service data 1960 #10} Gull Gray plastic table radio. Very similar to 1F2.   2x12BA6,19T8,12DT8,50C5,silicon rect
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)1F2D "The Consul" [1960] {RCA service data 1960 #10} Charcoal Black plastic table radio   2x12BA6,19T8,12DT8,50C5,silicon rect
check3.gif (247 bytes)1F2E [1960] {RCA service data 1960 #10} Champagne White table radio  2x12BA6,19T8,12DT8,50C5,silicon rect
check3.gif (247 bytes)3RB16  [1962] {655-13} gray plastic 14GT8,12AU6,12BA6,17C9,50C5
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)3RB31 [1962] {655-13} plastic 14GT8,12AU6,12BA6,17C9,50C5
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)3RB32 [1962] {655-13} plastic 14GT8,12AU6,12BA6,17C9,50C5
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)3RB34 [1962] {655-13} plastic 14GT8,12AU6,12BA6,17C9,50C5
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)RFB11V [1962?]  looks like 3RB16
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)experimental portable [1952]  First portable transistor FM radio  11 transistors, 4 diodes [rear view] [schematic]
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)experimental car [1952]  First all transistor car FM radio  11 transistors, 4 diodes [rear view] 

Regency (Idea Regency)
check3.gif (247 bytes)FM TeleVerter [1958]  {397-11} One transistor converter for listening to the FM band on a TV set.
check3.gif (247 bytes)FM Receiver  [1960?] Table radio cream painted case with brown plastic accents.  12AT7,2x6BJ6,19T8,35B5,35W4 
 nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)unknown [195?] Wood table radio with dial protruding from grill cloth.  miniature tubes

REL (Radio Engineering Laboratories)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)517   [1938]  First commercial (sold to FM stations as monitors) FM receiver (40-44 Mc) More information
check3.gif (247 bytes)646BR [194?]  Broadcast technical receiver used as a station monitor.

Rohde & Schwartz (West German manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Ballempfanger [1954] Tube radio used as network relay receiver, 87-100 Mc  7xEF800,2xEF802,4xEF804S,PL81,EZ80,85A2

Salora  (Finnish manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes) ? transistor portable
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes) ? transistor table
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes) Ulamatic [1969?] transistor car radio with search tuning

Sansei Electronics Industry Co. (SEC)  (made in Japan for US market)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Hi-Mood Model 3 [1963?] plastic tube radio works with matching FM Stereo adapter  8 miniature tubes,1 diode
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Stereo adapter [1963?] matching stereo adapter for Model 3  6 miniature tubes
check3.gif (247 bytes)Hi-Mood  [1965?]  plastic tube radio  12DT8,2x12BA6,12AV6,50EH5  

Sanyo (Japanese manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)V [1982?] radio watch. requires earphones.

Sarkes Tarzian (donated) all to a Bloomington Historical Society
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)no number [1947?]  Single frequency FM radio (W9XHZ 87.75 Mc) made from modified Maguire 500 AM radio 12SA7,12SG7,12SQ7,50L6,35Z5 
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)702-501 [1963] {640-10} Stereo Multiplex Adapter for 723-520  30AG11,12AX7,35EH5,35W4
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)702-502 [1963] {640-10} Stereo Multiplex Adapter for 723-521  30AG11,12AX7,35EH5,35W4
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)702-503 [1963] {640-10} Stereo Multiplex Adapter for 723-522  30AG11,12AX7,35EH5,35W4
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)702-504 [1963]  {640-10} Stereo Multiplex Adapter for 723-523  30AG11,12AX7,35EH5,35W4nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)
check3.gif (247 bytes)723-501  [196?]
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)723-502  [196?]
check3.gif (247 bytes)723-504  [1962]
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)723-514 [1963]  {644-9}  35W4,35EH5,19EA8,19CL8A,12BN6
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)723-515 [1963]  {644-9}  35W4,35EH5,19EA8,19CL8A,12BN6
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)723-516 [1963]  {644-9}  35W4,35EH5,19EA8,19CL8A,12BN6
check3.gif (247 bytes)723-517  [1963] {644-9}  blue DeLux  35W4,35EH5,19EA8,19CL8A,12BN6
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)723-520 [1963]  {644-9} works with matching multiplexor 702-501 35W4,35EH5,19EA8,19CL8A,12BN6
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)723-521 [1963]  {644-9} works with matching multiplexer 702-502 35W4,35EH5,19EA8,19CL8A,12BN6
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)723-522 [1963]  {644-9} works with matching multiplexer 702-503 35W4,35EH5,19EA8,19CL8A,12BN6
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)723-523 [1963]  {644-9} works with matching multiplexer 702-504 35W4,35EH5,19EA8,19CL8A,12BN6
check3.gif (247 bytes)723-530  [1963]  white DeLux
check3.gif (247 bytes)723-531  [1963]  brown DeLux  35W4,35EH5,19EA8,19CL8A,12BN6

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)FM Tuner  [1940]  Hi-Fi FM pre-war tuner 1853,6SA7,2x1232,5Y3,VR150,6E5,6H6,2x6J7G
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Converter [1944?]  Converter to allow pre-war tuner and radios to receive on the post-war FM band  3 tubes.

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)469   [1950]

Siemens (German manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Klangmeister RG95 [196?] table radio with 5 pushbuttons for tuning. 

Silvertone (Sears)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)1020 [1060] {529-12} Like the 1022.
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)1021 [1060] {529-12} Like the 1022.
check3.gif (247 bytes)1022 [1960] {529-12} Like the Penncrest, this is an Arvin 30R12 with a different front.
check3.gif (247 bytes)4012 [1963?]  19Q9,6BJ6,35W4,12BA6,12AV6,35C5
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)6143 [1938?]  pre-war FM tuner. Appears to be a GE JFM90

Sinclair (British manufacturer)
check3.gif (247 bytes)Micro FM   [1965]  Miniature transistor kit for headphone use.  Similar to the Micromatic AM radio.  7 transistors, 2 diodes, superhet. Manual [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]. See UK review. See French article [1] [2] [3]  
check3.gif (247 bytes)FM Wristwatch radio [1986] Wrist watch with FM radio. More information
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)X1 Button Radio  [1997]  In-your-ear scanning radio.

Sonic-Aire (Japanese manufacturer)
check3.gif (247 bytes)Unknown [1963?]  Stereo adapter. Appears to be a Sensei Stereo adapter that matches the Sensei Model 3. 

Sony (Japanese manufacturer, Duh)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)MDR-FM7 [1980] headphone radio
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)SRF-4 [1985] yellow water-resistant arm band radio
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)SRF-7 [198?] small portable stereo
check3.gif (247 bytes)2FA-24W  [1965]  transistor portable with mechanical autotune
check3.gif (247 bytes)SRF-16W "FM Walkman" [1987]  
check3.gif (247 bytes)SRF-20W "FM Walkman" [1984] stereo
check3.gif (247 bytes)SRF-40W "FM Walkman" [1981]
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)SRF-46 "FM Walkman" [1997] stereo.
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)SRF-201 "FM Walkman" [1981] stereo. Credit card style. Another photo
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)SRF-202 "FM Walkman" [1986] stereo. Credit card style.
check3.gif (247 bytes)SRF-F1  "Sports FM Walkman" [1986] stereo. very small with sealed batteries. uses external battery pack to recharge.
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)SRF-S50W [1997] FM Walkman stereo 
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)SRF-S53W  [1997] FM Walkman stereo (similar to SRF-S50W)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)SRF-S53MK2 [2000?] FM Walkman stereo.
check3.gif (247 bytes)TFM1837W [1969] 8 transistor small cube with controls on the top. Matches TR-1819 AM set
check3.gif (247 bytes)PFM-9000A   [1969?] wood and plastic cube transistor table with pushbuttons
check3.gif (247 bytes)STA-9000  [1968] wood and plastic matching multiplexer for PFM-9000A.

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)SR-J715F   [1964]  10 transistor portable
check3.gif (247 bytes)SR-Q707F [196?] 9 transistor portable

Stromberg Carlson
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)425H   [1941]  42-50 Mc, 6AC7,6SA7,6AB7,6SJ7,6H6,6SF5,6F6G,80
check3.gif (247 bytes)505H  [1941]  42-50 Mc, 2x6AC7,6SA7,6AB7,6SJ7,6H6,6SF5,6F6G,80

check3.gif (247 bytes)9000 "Golden Shield" [196?]   2x12BA6,12DT8,14GT8,50C5
check3.gif (247 bytes)Z6F17   [196?] 2x12BA6,12AL5,12AV6,50C5,12DT8,silicon rectifier
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)FM 70-W [197?] solid state

Telefunken (German manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Caprice8 [1957]
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)UKW 6A [1950] plastic table radio ECH11 2x EF14,EAA11,ECL11,AZ11
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)UKW(FM) Ballempfänger EBU 3137/3 [196?]  High performance FM relay receiver.  Mix of solid state + nuvistors

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)FM radio [1947] Fully assembled tube radio or radio kit with optional wood cabinet

check3.gif (247 bytes)1350 [1960?]  table radio  12DT8,2x12BA6,12AV6,50C5,12AL5 

Ultra (British manufacturer)
check3.gif (247 bytes)FM950 "Troubadour" [1959] {Trader 1395} inexpensive tube set. Matches U960 AM set. UCC85,2xUF89,UABC80,UL84,UL85

Unitra-Eltra (Polish manufacturer)
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)Luiza [1978] solid state portable

Universal Publicizers
check3.gif (247 bytes)FM Mike Radio [1955] tube novelty/promotional radio. Matches AM Mike Radio set. single channel. crystal controlled. 19EA8,2x12BA6,50C5,12AT6,silicon rectifier

Unknowns (catch-all category)
check3.gif (247 bytes)Curve [199?]  small novelty transistor radio. Here is a larger AMFM one. 
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)M&M [?] novelty transistor radio
check3.gif (247 bytes)Cone radio [199?]  Shape of a cone.
check3.gif (247 bytes)Radiola FM4 [197?] Scandinavian transistor portable radio with push-button tuning.

Vision Research
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)FM Teletuner [1946] converter for listening to the FM band on a TV set. Looks like "Pilot Pilotuner"  6C4,6AG5

Voxson (Italian manufacturer)
check3.gif (247 bytes)Tanga (Green model) [1973]  Solid state radio. Fits in car mount or mains-powered base. Matches the Red model for AM.  There is possibly a Yellow model for long wave (140 to 280 KHz).  

Watson (Austrian manufacturer)
check3.gif (247 bytes)TR4202 [1988] Black & gold portable transistor radio.

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)H839N5   [1962] 
check3.gif (247 bytes)H848N5  [196?]  (beige/oxford white) 12AV6,2x12BA6,12DT8,50C5 
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)H849N5  [196?]  (frontenac blue/oxford white version of H848N5) 12AV6,2x12BA6,12DT8,50C5 
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)H714T5    [1959] (turquoise/white version of H715T5) Matches H704T5 AM set 12AT7,2x12BA6,19T8,50EH5  
check3.gif (247 bytes)H715T5    [1959] (chestnut brown/white) Matches H705T5 AM set 12AT7,2x12BA6,19T8,50EH5   
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes) H716T5    [1959] (ivory/white version of H715T5) Matches H706T5 AM set 12AT7,2x12BA6,19T8,50EH5

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)unknown [193?]  pre-war tuner

check3.gif (247 bytes)61  [196?]  Relabeled Sansei Electronics Industry Co. "Hi-Mood

check3.gif (247 bytes)7H918  [1949] {75-18}  matches K510 AM set, 3x12BA6,12AT7,12AU6,35B5,19T8,selenium rect.
nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)7M918   [195?]  like 7H918
check3.gif (247 bytes)D720C  [1961] {533-16} 3x12BA6,12AT7,50C5,19T8
check3.gif (247 bytes)H722    [1962] {603-15}  2x12BA6,12DT8,50C5,12AU6,19T8
check3.gif (247 bytes)L722    [1964] {680-14}   2x12BA6,12DT8,50C5,12AU6,19T8,selenium rect. (p) 
check3.gif (247 bytes)M722   [1965] {746-9} 2x12BA6,12DT8,50C5,12AU6,14GT8,selenium rect
check3.gif (247 bytes)N722   [1966 ?] {906-8} same radio as X306 
check3.gif (247 bytes)X306     [1967] {906-8}  same as N722, matches X318M AM/FM set  2x12BA6,14GT8,50C5,12AU6,12DT8,silicon rectifier
check3.gif (247 bytes)MH910  [1963] {637-17} decodes either one of the two stereo channels, use 2 to make stereo 12DT8,2x6BJ6,2x14GT8,6AB4,35C5  

nocheck4.gif (848 bytes)????? [1965] yet another SEC "Hi-Mood" .


Current count: 321 models from 128 companies



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Last updated 7 April 2016

Original site located at by Andrew R. Mitz ; copied with permission.
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