Admiral, Emerson, Fada, General Electric, Granco, Guild Radio Corp of America, Heathkit, Kolster Brandes, Motorola, Radio Shack, Sony, Universal Publicizers, Zenith
"Walton": Y3061 FM on left, Y3021 AM on right
B612 FM converter on left, A502 AM radio on right
636 AM on the left, 602A FM on the right
795 FM tuner 605 AM radio
T-186A FM on the left, T-165A AM on the right
601 FM on the left, A650 AM on the right.
610 FM T-160 FM tuner
"Country Bell": FM on the left, AM on the right
GR-11 FM on the left, GR-10 AM on the right
XR-2P AM on the left, GR-61 FM on the right
"Toaster": FB10 FM on left , and FB10 AM
B1-J FM on left, B1-W AM/FM on right
WeatherRadio FM Deskube radio AM Deskube radio AM/FM Deskube radio
TFM1837W FM TR-1819 AM
"Mike Radio": AM on the left, FM on the right
X306 FM X318M AM
(The X318 picture was donated, but I lost the name. Please contact me so I can give proper credit)
7H918 FM K510 AM
(I am looking for a full-size picture of a K510 to complete this Zenith pair.)
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Last updated 21 March 2006
Original site located at by Andrew R. Mitz ; copied with permission.
(Mirror maintained by Mark Sherman)
All text, photographs, and other graphics are copyright (c) 1998-2006 LTJ